Who is Jai and Vijay ?

Story of Jai and Vijay 

Both Jai and Vijay were gatekeepers and great men of Lord Vishnu. Once Sanak, Sanandan, Sanatan and Sanatkumar (These four are called Sankadi Rishi, he always lives as a small child and is the son of Brahma) He can go anywhere in the world on his own volition. Once his desire to see Lord Vishnu arose, so he went to his Baikuntha lok. At the gate of Baikunth there were two gatekeepers named Jai and Vijay. Jai and Vijay stop the Sanakadik Rishi at the door and refuse to go inside.
On his refusal in this way, the Sankadik Rishi said in anger, "Hey idols! We are devotees of Lord Vishnu. Our speed does not stop anywhere. We want to see Vishnu Ji. Why do you stop us from seeing him? You live in the service of God, you should be as equitable as them. As the nature of God is absolute peace, so should your nature. Let us go to see Lord Vishnu. ”Even after Sankadik Rishis said this, Jai and Vijay stopped him from entering Baikuntha. 

The word 'curse' is an upabhransh of the Sanskrit language 'Shrap'. On stopping this type of Jai and Vijay, Sankadik Rishis got angry and said, "Even after being close to Lord Vishnu, ego has come in you and ego cannot live in Baikunth.That is why we curse you that you go to Mrutuyu lok "Jai and Vijay, fearing their cursing like this, fell at his feet and started asking for forgiveness. Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi ji accompanied their entire gatekeepers to welcome them to meet Sanakadik. Lord Vishnu said to him, "O Munishvara! These Jai and Vijay are my gatekeepers. They both have committed a crime by insulting you by arrogance.You people are my dear devotees and they have disobeyed you by disobeying you.
You have done a great job by cursing them. They have despised the Brahmins and I consider them to be my own disdain. I apologize on behalf of Jai Vijay. Even when there is a crime of servants, the world considers the crime of the master itself. That is why I want to beg you for your happiness. "Sanakadik Rishi's anger immediately calmed down with these sweet words of God. He rejoiced with this generosity of God and said, "You give so much respect to Brahmins for maintaining the dignity of religion. O Nath! We have cursed these innocent gatekeepers under the control of anger. We apologize for this. You can free these curses by forgiving these gatekeepers, if you think appropriate. "

Then Lord Vishnu said, "O Munigano! Even after being omnipotent, I do not want to make the Brahmin's word untrue because it violates religion. The curse you have given has come from my inspiration." Then Sanakadik said that Jai and Vijay would have to take three births. Then they will be free from curse. There is one thing to note here that a devotee who attains God is called a great man. Maya (work, anger, greed, etc.) can never dominate her again. That's why Sanak, Sanandan, Sanatan and Sanatkumar and Jai and Vijay are great men, because only great men live in the world of God. So Jai and Vijay were not arrogant and Sanakadik was also not angry. They were doing leela. Later Vishnu Ji also said that whatever happened, it was due to my inspiration.
Jai and Vijay were born in their first births as Hiranyakashipu and Hiranyaksha. Lord Vishnu killed Hiranyaksha with the Varaha avatar and Hiranyakashipu with Narasimha avatar. In the second birth both were born as Ravana and Kumbhakarna and killed at the hands of Rama Avatar. In the third birth, he was born as both Shishupala and Dantavakra and was killed at the hands of the incarnation of Shri Krishna and finally he was freed from the curse.
So this is how Jai and Vijay's story ended.