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About Hindu Mythology Blog
Mythology Stories is one of the oldest elements of Indian Culture, which enriches it further and makes it a unique one in the world. Storytelling is a great way for grandparents to spend time and bond with grandchildren. Short stories often take in morals in an interactive manner that doesn't feel like a lecture.
It is our effort to bring forth the different components of Hindu mythology by way of many short stories which not only make educational reading but also make a good source of spare time reading. These stories, which form the pillar of Hindu mythology. The interesting facts of the stories in Hindu Mythology, is that they are usually meant to convey subtle facts, rules and maxims to guide our daily lives. Who doesn't enjoy a well written story? Naturally story-telling is the best medium for conveying even powerful messages. The stories in Hindu mythology vary from for defining stories from the Vedas, Puranas, Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagwat Gita.  
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