Narasimha Avatar l Fourth Avatar Of Vishnu

The story of Narasimha is one of Vishnu’s ten avatars taken to restore Dharma and righteousness in the world. The story revolves around Hiranyakashyapu and his son, Prahlada. Hiranyakashyapu’s elder brother Hiranyaksha was killed by Vishnu in Varaha Avatar for terrorizing the world. Enraged by his brother's death, Hiranyakashyapu vowed revenge against Vishnu. Hiranyakashyapu decided to pray to Brahma to obtain boons of immortality.
While Hiranyakashyapu was in meditation, Indra, King of God's attacked Hirankashyapu’s kingdom and was massacring subjects. Indra almost killed Kayadhu, Hiranyakashyapu’s wife but Narada intervened and took Kayadhu to his Ashram. At the time, Kayadhu was pregnant with a child. Hiranyakashyapu prayed and prayed until Brahma appeared before the Asura. When Hiranyakashyapu asked for immortality, he was refused for every being had to die. So, Hiranyakashyapu chose the following conditions for his death:
1.   He cannot be killed in the sky, on earth or in water.
2.   He cannot be killed inside a house or outside of a house.
3.   He cannot be killed by man, Deva, animal or Asura.
4.   Hiranyakashyapu cannot be killed during daytime or nighttime.
5.   Hiranyakashyapu could not be killed by any sort of celestial or divine weapons.

Brahma granted these requests and then left. Pleased with himself, Hiranyakashyapu returned to his kingdom and began expanding his empire. Because of his boons, the Devas were powerless against him. Hiranyakashyapu conquered the 3 worlds, but his aim was to defeat Vishnu.
Hiranyakashyapu ordered to stop prayers of Devas and had people worship him. By this time, the child was born and he was named Prahlada. Hiranyakashyapu loved Prahlada very much and loved to be with the child.
When it came to the boy's education, the King sent the child to the Ashram of the Royal Sage to learn scriptures etc. and also learn his father's greatness. But the child had eyes for Narayana alone. While at the Ashram, Prahlada converted all the Asura students to worship Vishnu rather than Hiranyakashyapu.
The teachers got afraid and told this to the King. Hiranyakashyapu laughed it off like a joke and called Prahlada to him. When Hiranyakashyapu asked Prahlada to praise him, Prahlada praised Vishnu. The angry King turned to the preceptors and reprimanded them for such filthy thoughts.

But layer, Hiranyakashyapu understood that the boy was a staunch devotee of his enemy. Hiranyakashyapu was enraged at the child and subjected him to many kinds of torture and punishments. Some of them are:
1.    Had Prahlada stuck neck deep in mud and had elephants trample his head,
2.    Threw the boy off a cliff,
3.    Threw the child in a cell with snakes and scorpions,
4.    Tried to burn the child using his sister, Holika.
In the burning incident, Holika, despite having a boon of not being hurt by fire, was burned to death while the child escaped each torture unharmed for Vishnu kept protecting the child.

One day, Hiranyakashyapu called Prahlada and asked him where Vishnu was. When Prahlada replied everywhere, Hiranyakashyapu pointed to a pillar and asked “in there too?” Prahlada nodded yes. Hirankashyapu took his mace and struck the pillar. From the pillar came a terrifying roar. A man with the face of a lion came out, angry and bloodlusted, with the aim of killing the Asura. All of Creation stopped to witness this truly spectacular event.
The anger of Narsimha did not subside even after killing Hiranyakashipu. He was still roaring repeatedly. God Brahma, God Shankar and even Goddess Lakshmi prayed to God Narsimha from a distance but no one had the courage to go near him. Finally, Brahma sent Prahlad near Narsimha to calm him down. Fearlessly, Prahlad went near Narsimha and laid himself flat at his feet. Affectionately, the God in Narsimha form raised Prahlad and embraced him and said: “O son Prahlad, you had to bear the sufferings for so long. Please forgive me.” Prahlad felt overwhelmed. The God of the universe was standing before him and was stroking his head in assuring way. Prahlad bowed his head faithfully. God Narsimha then asked Prahlad to seek some boon. Prahlad said: “You are my true God. If you wish to grant me a boon, kindly bless me that no desire may arise in my mind for anything.”

Prahlad also prayed to God Narsimha for his father, asking him, “O God, my father had always criticized you. Please free him from the sins he has committed.” God Narsimha replied saying, “Prahlad, your father has now become holy.” God Narsimha promised Prahlad that he would never kill any of his descendents. God Narsimha then escorted Prahlad to the throne of his father and made him sit on it, instructing him to follow good conduct and do his duties. Saying those words God Narsimha disappeared.